Thursday, March 19, 2015

Top 3 Tips to Control Appetite

TIP 1) Remove all sugar - Consume sugar will make you hungry! Yes, sugar is digested and absorbed more quickly than any other food system. It also sticks his blood sugar faster than any other food that causes a huge increase in insulin.
Insulin helps push all the available glucose in the cells after used for energy, as it is supposed to be. But the big drop in blood sugar now makes you start to feel tired and hungry, sometimes extremely hungry desire ... more sugar.
So the cycle continues ...

To ensure you keep appetite stable cutting out all sugar and hidden sugar.
Hidden sugars to avoid like the plague - high fructose corn syrup. Also avoid dextrose, sorbitol ... anything that ends in "ose" or "OL". They all have the same effects blood sugar such as sucrose or table sugar will increase and your appetite is out of control if not eliminate them.

TIP 2) Eliminate simple carbohydrates that are BLANC - This is similar to the first tip, but includes things like white flour. Anything with white flour, such as bread, pasta, cake, cakes, etc ... has an effect very similar to that of sugar. These simple carbohydrates break down into the rapid creation of sugar sugar spikes wild blood as increased appetite.

TIP 3) drink only water - this is very important! Imagine the amount of sugar in your drinking all day? Pop, luxury teas, and even called healthy fruit juice contains a lot of sugar, glucose peaks and causes appetite to go crazy ... So why take the risk? For two weeks drink water plain old. Exception! If you drink a cup of black coffee coffee per day to prevent deadly head pain.

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